Thursday, May 7, 2009

Futbol en Chile

I forgot to add this:

I semiaccidentally tried out for the University of Vina Del Mar futbol team. So, things that I have learned from this experience. I am in good enough shape to play with them, they weren't really faster, actually weren't at all. But, I didn't have cleats, so I was sliding all around the field, and couldn't turn. Nor could I kick the ball very well. But hey, it was a good time, playing soccer with chileans! So I'm not planning on playing on the team(I technically can't be cut because I'm an international student) but I'm not gonna plague them with my horrible footin' skills. There are less competitive soccer games twice a week that I'll be going to instead.

Also, nicknames I earned whilst playing soccer:

Gringo: This was a given, though I didn't get called this a lot thanks to my slightly taller chilean appearence. My friend Orion was exclusively called this.

Flacco: Translated to "skinny" or "slim" this was my primary nickname, which I will be takin as a compliment.

Succio: Translated to "Dirty" this does not have the same positive connotation as it does in english(as in, That dude is dirty at hoops!) but is more like "plays dirty." This is crap, because A: I was called this before I actually "played dirty" and when i did "play dirty" I only threw elbows where elbows had already been thrown. So I refute the legitimacy of this nickname.

Ok, I have to go back for the desert, pictures and more stories on wednesday!


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